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Fit Fad

I’ve always been a health nut, and have always worked out, whether it be with a team, or solo at a local gym. But I still have yet to try any of the boutique fitness classes. The steep $30 fee (at minimum) per class didn’t seem like a reasonable fit for my budget, especially when I could simply get a good workout in by myself at the gym. However, Soul Cycle’s recent filing for an IPO got me thinking… what is the allure of boutique fitness classes? Why are some consumers spending nearly $500 each month on personal fitness? (racked.com)

Fitness brands have capitalized on the ongoing health movement by shaming society for the countless hours of Netflix binge-watching and subsequent lack of exercise. They’ve successfully drawn crowds with promises of Baywatch bodies and natural energy to kick that incessant Starbucks habit. But for most, sticking to a gym routine is the hardest part of working out. That’s where the group classes swoop in to rescue you from the inevitable downward spiral of skipping the gym “just today.” 

Humans inherently want to fit in, whether or not they’re aware of it. And belonging to a group that has one common goal encourages participation. All different brands push consumer participation. Coca-Cola encourages consumers to “Share a coke” with a friend. And the entire social media industry is built from idea that consumers want to share their lives with the world. Finding a Coke with your name on it, or being tagged in Instagram post with your friends, allows you to be part of a community, or even bigger, a movement. 

So shelling out the big bucks to “Get the best workout in the world” with Barry’s Boot Camp or “Forging elite fitness” with Cross Fit sessions, isn’t only about shredding pounds and getting into beach-ready shape. It’s about belonging to a bigger movement that promotes a healthier lifestyle. Brands that can successfully unify the masses to work toward a common goal are the brands to watch. 
